Sunday, June 29, 2008

Enough is Enough!

The end is nigh! All that can be said has been said, and any more will just prolong the agony. It's time to accept it.

No, the world isn't coming to an untimely demise. At least, not the whole world. For one little piece of it, though, the piece that exists in that in-progress story, there comes a point you have to put down the pen and walk away.The question is, when?

Not everyone is going to like every aspect of your work. Maybe that's a good thing. If something is 100% accessible, how much did you have to compromise to make it that way? Some readers may have trouble swallowing some of the things you're feeding them. Is that because it's bad or because it doesn't suit their tastes? I know people who put ketchup on hot dogs. Need I say more? So, how do you tell if it's wrong, or wrong for a particular reader? It's a tough call, and one I struggle to answer.


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